
Friday, January 3, 2014

Tarte's Lights, Camera, Flashes ($23) vs. Ulta Legendary Lengths ($10 or less)

I'm a fan of Ulta's inexpensive
Legendary Lengths Mascara.
I've reviewed it before against an expensive mascara:
This time, I'm putting it up against Tarte's Lights, Camera, Flashes.

I got the Tarte mascara in my special edition Byrdie Glossybox (yes, full size!) not too long ago.

 Tarte's mascara has a very unique brush. To be honest, I can't decide if I like it or not.

On the one hand, it seems to do a good job...but on the other hand, it's hard to figure out if you are applying the correct section of bristles (according to directions), that you are supposed to be using.
It's guessing time.
Which one of the pics below do you like best?

 That's one coat of mascara on each eye. Can you tell which side is Tarte and which is Ulta?

Now, here they are with TWO coats applied:
 Let me say that the one on your top of each set (my right eye) was kinda hard to apply a second coat to. It didn't want to smooth onto the previously coated lashes. I think because it's a little more clumpy?
The one on the bottom of each set (my left eye), however, had no problem at all with gliding a second coat right over the first.
(BTW, I waited to apply the second coat until the first was touchable dry, as I have read to do)

 So which one is which?
Did you guess correctly?
The top pic of each set (my right eye) was the Tarte ($23 HERE) 
and lower pic of each set (my left eye) was the Ulta ($10 regularly,only $5 right now if you BOGO HERE).
To me...
The Ulta looks a little more clean, less clumpy.
But the Tarte has drama and more presence.
I think the "winner" depends on what look you prefer in a mascara.
I would definitely choose the Tarte over the Ulta for a night out.
But perhaps I would prefer the Ulta for everyday use?
And since, with 4 kids, I don't have a night out very often, the Ulta would probably be more logical for me at this point in my life. 15-20 years ago, when I was doing the club scene...the Tarte would've been my go-to.
What do you think? Are you surprised by the results?
Do you prefer a more dramatic mascara result like the Tarte ALL the time? Or only for night/special events?

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