
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Reviewed: The NEW Keurig 2.0

A few weeks back I was thrilled to receive the brand new, not even in stores yet, Keurig 2.0 brewer.
Influenster sent it to me complimentary for review and testing purposes.

I already had the Platinum brewer that was the last release...and I LOVE it.
However, my hubby takes a thermos of coffee to work with him daily. It is tedious, at best, to use the Keurig to fill up a big thermos. So, we actually keep another cheapo coffee brewer on my very-limited counter space. Since the new 2.0 brews a carafe full, I thought it would be the answer to our 2 brewer, space-hogging dilemma.
Alas, I was to be let down.
Watch the video below to find out why.
I also tell you about all the things I DO like about the 2.0 as well as what I DON'T like about it.
And just to let you know...that additional cheapo brewer? Still sitting there, taking up space!
I really love my old Keurig, which I gave away when I got this new one. I'm wondering if I should go buy another one before the older models are all gone?
What's your favorite K-cup coffee?

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