
Friday, May 30, 2014

Boodle Box Giveaway! Plus Sneak Peek of the June 2014 Boodle Box

Okay, I love subbies!
(Also know as subscription services)
I love the joy of getting a little gift each month...the surprise, the discovery, the fun of opening something. Don't you remember how much you loved getting mail as a kid?
Well, just imagine how much fun it is for the little girl (or tween or teenage girl) in your life to get her own subbie!
My girls are so excited to preview the June Boodle Box

We were introduced to the Boodle Box a month ago. My girls received the May Boodle Box to review (for free). You can watch that unboxing below.
Then, as a special Sneak Peek, they were sent the June 2014 Boodle Box to preview (also at no charge).
The theme was "Pedi Ready" and was over $70 in value!
They are absolutely in LOVE with the Boodle Box!
You can choose between two different subscriptions:
one for girls 5-10 OR girls 11+.
You can also choose how long you want to subscribe. The longer you sign up for, the better deal you receive.
You can read all about the different plans HERE.
For our readers, the nice people over at Boodle Box have generously offered up one of their awesome July boxes as a giveaway prize!
Just enter via the Rafflecopter below.
Sneak Peek of the June 2014 Boodle Box
Which one will you choose if you win?

the items received in the Boodle Box
(The June 2014 Boodle Box my girls received, $70+ value!!)
Disclosure: I received a free subscription to The Boodle Box for review purposes. I receive no other compensation for my review/post/video. As always, my opinions are strictly my own (as are my daughters' opinions) and are my honest evaluation.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Your daughters are dolls!! My daughter and I enjoyed watching the video!!!

  2. Thank you! They love the box & being recorded ;)

  3. I would choose the 5-10 year old box because that is the age range of my of my friend's girls.

  4. I would love the 5-10 box for my daughter she loves doing toes together and lip gloss. I cant believe the accessories they have too cute.

  5. I would like the 5-10, perfect for my 5 year old daughter.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com


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