Here in the Deep South, things are already heating up.
And I sweat like a man.
Yes, yuck.
In the warm months, I switch over to "clinical strength" deodorants.
I compared Secret Clinical and Suave Clinical a while back. You can check that out HERE.
This time around, I wanted to see what the difference might be between Dove Clinical and Secret Clinical.
Here are the contenders.
Dove Clinical Protection with "Clear Tone"
Secret Clinical Strength Invisible Solid in "Completely Clean"
One thing I immediately liked about this new Invisible Solid version of Secret: it's a solid, not that semi-solid, click it up through the holes type of deodorant. It's just a little easier, a little less messy. The Dove is the like the older Secret version, the semi-solid, click-up type.
They both seemed to work pretty well. I sniffed and sniffed day after day and most of the time, I could tell no difference. Neither pit was stinky. They both seemed to remain pretty dry. But then, on days when I really physically exerted myself, like when I went running, I began to notice a little bit of stink on the Dove side, while the Secret would remain nice and fresh.
In the interest of testing the "Clear Tone" technology of the Dove brand, I wore the deodorants only on their respective sides for roughly 2-3 months. After all that time, I saw NO DIFFERENCE in the "tone" or color of my armpits. Not that I have dark armpits. Maybe if I had dark armpits, I might have seen some change. But I saw no difference. The pictures above were after this extended period of time. For whatever reason, I could NOT get the lighting to be the same for both sides, so excuse the slightly "warmer" lighting in the Dove picture. I can honestly say, however, that I saw no visible difference in the two deodorants results. Not in skin color change, nor in white buildup, or being goopy or anything.
Now, the smell results...yes, they were different. Secret was the winner, though it wasn't a landslide victory.
And, on top of that, when I went back to buy my next Secret, they actually had my favorite scent (Ooh-La-La Lavender) in this new invisible solid stick.
I'm sold! I will be sticking with Secret Ooh-La-La Lavender in the invisible solid formulation.
TIP: One thing I've learned while using these "mega deodorants": in order to get a better shave on your pits when using these deodorants, be sure to put some hard-core soap on your pits (like Dial or another anti-bacterial, not the frou-frou body wash we women usually like), and let it sit while you do other stuff in the shower, then scrub well to get the residue off. It helps to remove the old layer of deodorant so you won't simply coat your razor's blades in deodorant and end up with a dull razor and less than fabulous shave. I also keep a nail brush in my shower, so I gently sweep my razor across the brush to remove buildup. Hope this helps!
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