
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Spastic About Uncomfy Seams in Socks?

I belong to BzzAgent and recently was sent several pairs of socks to try out. I received Hanes Comfort Toe Seam Socks for ladies in several different varieties.

Now, I'm a little demanding of my socks...I like them to be thicker, with good cushion-factor. I want them to hold up well to a lot of washing. I prefer they not cost a small fortune, either.

My husband and my youngest son, however, are spastic about uncomfy socks. They have to fit just-so, can't stretch out too quickly, can't have bothersome seams, or "seam nipples" (I have no idea how else to describe those little pointy parts at the sides of the toe seams...sorry). I'm not real crazy for socks that have seam nipples, either, come to think of it.

Well, I'm happy to report that these socks stand up to all of our requirements. They are cushy, haven't stretched out so far, wash & wear well, and don't have seam nipples or irritating toe seams. And they are competitively priced. I think I've found our new favorite brand of socks!

If you look closely, it appears that there ARE seams at the toes, but there aren't "normal" seams. It's more like a "tightening of the weave" to provide strength. It's really hard to describe accurately, but there's no cross threads there, like in a typical seam, which can rub & aggravate sensitive toes.
I especially like that they offer these socks in black. Often, when you find black socks, they are very thin, like "dress" socks. The black socks I own are like that and I always must put a pair of thicker white socks underneath them in order to provide the comfort I demand from my socks. That's no longer necessary, thankfully. I don't enjoy wearing 2 pairs of socks at the same time (or washing extra laundry).

If you would like to try out Hanes Comfort Toe Seam Socks for yourself, I'd like to offer you a coupon to save $1.50 (expires 12.31.11). I'll even cover the postage to send it to you. All I require is that you subscribe via E-mail (do that at the very bottom of the page) and follow me via Google Friend Connect (right side of this page). Once you've done those 2 simple things, simply leave a comment below. If you are one of the first 5 comments, I'll email you (make sure to leave your email addy in the comment, please) to get your address. You may leave your email in this format to help avoid auto-spammers: jeanlynd at att dot net.

I hope you enjoy your new socks! Please come back and tell me what you think of them.


  1. Jean I had know idea you had this blog! What a great resource! I love it!

  2. Thanks Sabrina. I'm trying to be more consistent with it now that the "baby" is older & I have a little more time for it.

  3. these socks sound genius to be honest! and perfect now that it is fall and winter right around the corner to wear with sneakers or even boots !
    thanks for the heads up will look out for these in my local store

  4. that's great saavy...hope you enjoy them!


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